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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hello-o-o-o-o HAITI! You just got all my money!

I have donated all my money to Haiti. Well, actually, I donated my money to June Freaking Cleaver, who used her credit card to donate to Haiti.

If you didn't know already... and how could you not since it was on all the networks... they had a Hope for Haiti benifit drive on TV. I decided along time ago that I would donate. So, I did.

Not only did I have 32 busy signals, and a few DUA-DUH-DUHHHs (You hear them all the time when somebody stops paying their phone bill and you try to call them.) I finally got through, I donated $8.00.

With her credit card, after I gave her my money, My mom, June freaking Cleaver, donated about how much I had.

I can't talk about anything depressing now..... MUPPETS!

That just shows that I am random!

1 comment:

Evansmom said...

What a nice thing to do!